
The 6 Scenario Modeling Functions You Need to Know in Excel

One of the most common questions asked about Excel is how to use different functions. When people are new to Excel, they can be overwhelmed by all the formulas and functions available. Figuring out which ones are best for your specific needs can be tough.

9 Basic Data Manipulation Techniques for Data Analysis in Excel

Data analysis is a challenging task, especially if you don't have the data manipulation skills. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common data manipulation techniques that can be used in Excel for data analysis.

How to Clean and Organize Data in Excel: A Beginner's Guide

We all do it. We make a spreadsheet and we start adding data. But what happens when you have ten empty tables and one full one? It becomes hard to find the table with your data in it. And that’s not even the worst part: your data is now scattered and doesn’t make any sense. Not to worry, we’ve got your back! This beginner's guide will teach you how to clean and organize your data so that it makes sense again!

Teachings for Presenting Data and Synthesizing Key Messages in Presentations

Presentations are a crucial tool for many professionals. They can be used to summarize a project, present research findings, or make a pitch. However, presenting data is not always easy. It takes careful thought and strategic planning to design an effective presentation. Here are some tips to help you present insights and data logically and synthesize key messages on slides of a presentation:

How to Create an Outstanding Executive Summary in PowerPoint

An executive summary is a short presentation of the most important points in your business plan. It serves to provide an overview of the company, its products, and its goals. It’s one of the first things potential investors will want to see when you are pitching your company.

How to Analyze Financial Ratios: What is a ROE Ratio and How Does it Help You Invest?

When it comes to investing, understanding the many different ratios that are available is crucial. Financial ratios help investors to analyze the performance of their investments by comparing them with other companies in the same industry.

A Comprehensive Guide to DCF Valuation and Corporate Finance Principles

A company’s value is one of the most important pieces of data when understanding their financial health. It is essential to know what determines a company’s worth in order to understand how it will be affected by different events. The three valuation techniques outlined in this article are the discounted cash flow (DCF), comparables, and precedent transactions methods.

The Ultimate Guide to Finance Modeling and Valuation Skills

Finance modeling and valuation skills are some of the more sought-after and lucrative skills in the market. Whether you're just starting out as an analyst or you're looking to take your finance career to the next level, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about financial modeling and valuation.

Predicting Financial Performance: An In-depth Guide to the Forecasting Process

Forecasting is something that many people find daunting. However, it doesn’t need to be difficult. It just takes understanding the process and following these steps. Forecasting can be broken into three steps: data gathering, data analysis, and interpreting the forecast. These three steps are outlined below for your informational purposes.

A Comparison of Financial Accounting and Management Accounting

In the business world, accounting plays a vital role in understanding a company's assets and liabilities as well as how those factors impact its financial position. There are two main types of accounting: management accounting and financial accounting.

5 Limitations of Financial Accounting and How to Overcome Them

Financial accounting is a powerful tool that can help you manage your business. It allows you to track all of your company’s financial transactions and measure how well they’re performing. However, there are a few limitations of financial accounting. In this blog post, we will explore these limitations and share some tips on how to overcome them.

What financial skills employers’ value?

In a survey done by the Institute of Management Accountants, financial service jobs were identified as among the most in-demand jobs in 2015 and 2016. The business advisory service, insurance agent, wealth management, financial analyst, and mortgage loan officer were the top four industries hiring. Although these jobs had median salaries around $57,000, many of these jobs allow you to take time off from work to pursue educational training. You can get a degree while you are still working and still earn income while studying.

Quiz - How much of Excel Shortcuts do you really know?

Discover your level of Excel shortcuts knowledge and learn a little or a lot along the way. On top of that, I am going to give you tips that will be invaluable for your work. Get ready then...

Understanding what financial skills employees should value

In the financial services sector, nearly 50% of employees in the industry do not have a bachelor’s degree. There is a great demand for people who have the right credentials and experience because so many other professionals in this field want to learn from them.

How to Create a Culture for Employees that makes them Thrive

Creating the environment for employees to be productive is key to maximizing productivity. Too often, we allow corporate policies to shape and define the human capital. However, the environment is what drives human capital, so leaders need to create a corporate environment that enables human capital to be productive.

What Employers think while hiring employees?

The job market today can be tough to navigate and uncertain. Which means many people are resorting to picking up freelance work in the short-term to keep themselves employed – and it’s clear there’s a massive mismatch between skills employers are looking for and skills that are currently available in the labor market. This results in more gig-based work to fill the gap.