
Financial Analyst Interviews - What to Expect?

There is a lot of demand for financial analyst jobs as this is seen as one of the best career options for recent graduates.

From College to Corporates: What Changes Can You Expect?

College life is always a lot of fun. You will meet new people, make friends, meet your soul-mate (if you’re lucky), party all night long, go on trips across the country and have a wonderful time.

Business and Finance Jobs: Skills You Need

Do you know that 50% (1) of hiring managers think that fresh graduates are not fit to join their team? Whereas, most graduates believe a piece of paper saying they have graduated is sufficient to get a job.

How Much Time Does It Take To Learn Something New?

One of the questions we are asked by online learners all the time is – how much time does it take to learn a new skill, such 

How Do You Measure ROI on Learning?

It’s easy to say that the ROI on learning is immeasurable, and that learning has nothing to do with monetary cost/benefit analysis.

5 Steps to Effective Business Presentation

There are many apps or tools for creating business presentation these days. But PowerPoint is still the best presentation software program out there.

Providing Effective Training To Your Employees

You’ve spent a lot of time and effort on recruiting your employees. Some of them are recent graduates, and completely new to the corporate environment.

Teaching Practical Skills To Your Students

College education has become more expensive than ever before. The average student debt of a college graduate in the United States is as high as $37,172, up by $20,000 since 13 years ago.

Valuation Methodologies for Start-Ups

In this article, we briefly discuss the different valuation methodologies for startups. This is only an introduction to the different methodologies.

Tips to Increase Your Work Productivity Daily

Are you worried about losing focus or concentration at work? Do you feel mentally exhausted every night? Do you struggle with deadlines all the time? Well, then read on, this article is just for you.

Data Automation Using Excel

Excel has been around for more than 30 years now, and it still remains the best tool for data automation. Entering data is a laborious process, which takes up a lot of your time if you do it manually.

Freelancing Careers in Financial Services

Is it possible to have a freelancing career in financial services?

Yes, certainly – the financial services industry has undergone a radical transformation in recent years, thanks to the internet and cloud computing.

Online Education: How Can It Change the World?

There is a lot of talk about the student debt crisis in the United States. An average graduate in the U.S. has a student loan of $35,000 still to be paid off. That is just insane!

Measures of Financial Performance

There are a number of financial metrics used frequently to measure performance of a company. To name a few; EBITDA margin, EBIT or operating margin, Net income margin, earnings per share, return on equity, return on invested capital or Return on capital etc.

Selecting Good Companies for Investment?

Equity markets have generated highest returns for decades as compared to gold, fixed deposits, debt and other financial instruments. All of us want to generate high returns from our portfolio.

Why You Need Valuation Analyst Skills?

Yes Bank is the fifth largest private lender in India. It accounts for approximately 2.3% of total bank loans and 1.6% of banks deposits domestically.