Online Education: How It Can Change the World

Online Education: How It Can Change the World

There is a lot of talk about the student debt crisis in the United States. An average graduate in the U.S. has a student loan of $35,000 still to be paid off. That is just insane!

The high cost of college education is an issue not only in America, where student loan debt has reached an unbelievable $1.2 trillion, but across the world. And it is getting worse – colleges have no hesitation at all when it comes to raising their tuition fees.

They can do that because they know how important college education is to students – anyone without a college degree will struggle to get a job in this competitive market.

We come across stories of how parents take a second mortgage on their homes or even sell jewelry to pay their child’s college fees. We know of graduates who have struggled to make ends meet because of their massive student loan debt and have had to put off buying a house or getting married and settling down because of that.

…Which is why online education is so relevant today.

There are today many colleges that offer online education to students across the world. Estimates are that even if 20 percent of college-aged students opt for online education that will bring down student loans by an estimated $90 billion a year.

Also, it frees up the real estate…Colleges can invest in improving the quality of education and paying higher salaries to their staff instead of spending most of their money on renting or maintaining real estate. That will allow them not only to cut down the tuition costs, but also hold on to their best faculty members.


There isn’t much clarity about online education. Most parents and students are under the impression that online education is a compromise and not the real deal.

Not true at all!

Companies like SKILLFIN LEARNING have provided online education to students from across the world. We have helped many young people land jobs in the highly competitive financial services sector, as well as in banking and business consulting.

Online education can be a great choice if the focus is on improving your skillset, and not just getting a degree. At a time when almost everyone out there has a college degree, what sets you apart from the competition is whether you have any marketable skills or not.

For instance, if you’re applying for a job in the baking or financial services industry, recruiters will want to know about your data analytics, financial modeling, advanced Excel and other skills, which are taught in very few colleges.

Here on SKILLFIN Learning, you can choose from a wide variety of useful online courses that expand your skillset such as

The best part is that they hardly cost you anything. If still not sure, check out the Data Cleaning and Analysis Skills in Excel course which is free.

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